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                             │ 介詞 + 名詞  │: = 介詞片語



               介詞片語可當: 1. 主詞補語/受詞補語 2. 後位修飾


at the computer;desk/party;wedding;funeral;piano;door;entrance;exit;meeting/gate


against;in favor of my project/at work/at sea/(The crimial) at bay/at large


across the river. (..對面)/beyond the river. (....那一邊;可能很遠)


The girl ahead;behind/around here;there;the park;the corner. (....四週)


near here;there;the park/Let's go swimming at the beach.


behind bars/The guy behind this/behind the times (趕不上時代的)


beside oneself/down the street;road (在街到前面)(沿著)/


in;out of debt/(not) in a hurry/(The box) in the way/in;out of love


in;out of fashion/(The boy) my age/in;out of shape/(The plane) in the air


in;out of danger/in hospital/in despair/in favor of (my project)


(The girl) in red;in a uniform;in a cap = wearing/The man in crisis/


in tears/in a coma/in good;bad health/in good;bad condition/in high;low spirits


(The boxer) in training/(The girl) in the dark/(All the books) in stock


(The countries;island) in dispute/(The books) in demand/the girl in disgrace


(The guy) in charge/in control/in the rain;sun/in pain/

in;out of trouble/The boy in the mood to talk/in a good;bad mood (un)happy



(The program) on the air/on duty;off duty/out of work/on vacation/on the run


on display/on the radio/on TV/on the phone (answering machine/on strike/


on a diet/(The boy) on his own/on drugs/on my back (bothering)/


(The books) on hand (available)/on edge (nervous)/(The girl) on my mind


(The clothing) on sale/(All the troops) on alert/on trial


(The product) on the market;for sale/on the shelf/in the car;taxi

(The apples) out of season. (not being grown) ←→ in season/


The man in/out of shape (not fit)/out of breath/on the bus;train;ship;plane


The island off the coast of Taiwan. (在台彎外海)/on sick;maternity leave

(The house) on fire/on the committee;on the team;the (school) board/


The girl on my left;on my right;next to me;beside me/;behind me;in front of


me;above me;below me;opposite me/The man to blame is here/


The boy on top of the world. (extremely happy)/the book out of print/


under construction/(The project) under way/under attack



under pressure;stress/under;of age/under fire/under (house) arrest/


(The plan) under discussion/(The guy) under investigation/under the the weather


under our protection/under (my) control ←→ out of control


Those under;below;above me (position)/under; beyond repair/


The house in (用她的名)/under her name (以她的名子做掩護的不願公開真名)

for sale;rent/on sale/The gift from;for Mary/The food to my taste/



                      ※ with 表描述

The girl with long hair;red hair;big eyes;long legs;her hands in her pockets;


her feet on her desk;her back to the camera;John/The boy without doing anything


The man without legs/hope/a good future/kids/shame/glasses/a beard/hair/money


All the buildings within 100 meters of the explosion were destroyed.



here on business/??in the wheelchair/on his;her own/

The man in handcuffs/bored to death/in a shack/

A man with a rifle/in exile/The desk in the way/

re.s'is.tant to cold 對有抵抗力的

in pain/under arrest./in our interest/in charge (of sales)





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